Icml 2013 deep learning book

Jurgen schmidhuber, deep learning and neural networks. Deep reinforcement learning in continuous action spaces. The workshop will be held on friday, june 21 in atlanta, ga. Written by three experts in the field, deep learning is the only comprehensive book on the subject. Yoshua bengio, aaron courville, pascal vincent, representation learning. This is right after hltnaacl and before icml, both of which are in atlanta.

The 30th international conference on machine learning icml 20 will be held in atlanta, usa, on june 16 june 21, 20. Y lecunma ranzatoscene parsinglabelingfarabet et al. Deep learning research aims at discovering learning algorithms that discover multiple levels of distributed. Lecuns presentation at icml workshop on learning feature hiearchies on. Icml is the leading international machine learning conference and is supported by the international machine learning society imls icml 20 is colocated with naacl. Sun is a full day industry expo registration information. We propose a conceptually simple and lightweight framework for deep reinforcement learning that uses asynchronous gradient descent for optimization of deep neural network controllers. Icml 20 challenges in representation learning deep. Estimating or propagating gradients through stochastic neurons for. A workshop on deep learning for audio, speech and language processing will be held june 16th, 20 in atlanta, georgia. The definitive and intuitive reinforcement learning book. We are coordinating several joint icml naacl events 1416 june. Y lecunma ranzatodeep learningtutorialicml, atlanta, 20616yann lecuncenter for data science y lecunma ranzatodeep learning learning. The performance of many machine learning methods is.

In proceedings of the 32nd international conference on machine. A quick overview of some of the material contained in the course is available from my icml 20 tutorial on deep learning. Deep learning, yoshua bengio, ian goodfellow, aaron courville, mit press. Deep learning, yoshua bengio, ian goodfellow, aaron courville, mit. Deep learning, yoshua bengio, ian goodfellow, aaron courville, mit press, in preparation survey papers on deep learning. Learning, icml 2015, lille, france, 611 july 2015, pages 19641972. We present asynchronous variants of four standard reinforcement learning algorithms and show that parallel actorlearners have a stabilizing effect on training allowing all four methods to successfully train.